The Deputy Secretary to Govt. Punjab,
Rehabilitation Department, Jalandhar.
1.The Land Claims Officer, Rehabilitation Department, Jalandhar.
2.All Tehsildars (Mahal) in the State.
Except all Tehsildar of District Gurgaon and Hissar.
3.All Tehsildars (Sales) in the State.
NO. RI(165)/49051-133
Dated Jalandhar the 4/10/63
Sub: Allotment of land in the name of dead persons.
According to para 19 Chapter III of the Land Resettlement Manual the allotment of land to the individuals are to be made not on the basis of orally verified claims but on the basis of copies of jamabandis received from Pakistan. It has, however, been noticed that in the past allotment in some cases were made in the name of the deceased persons on the basis of the copies of jamabandis received from Pakistan and possession of the Property transferred to the person claiming to be their heirs without obtaining any legal proof.
In order to restrict the chances of unauthorized allotments it has been decided that in future before making allotment in the name of the deceased claimants, the Managing Officers should satisfy themselves that the person(s) claiming the allotment, is/are the legal heir(s) of the deceased and is/are the rightful person(s) to receive allotment.
Deputy Secretary to Govt. Punjab
Rehabilitation Deptt. Jalandhar.
The Deputy Secretary to Govt. Punjab,
Rehabilitation Department, Jalandhar.
The Director of Public Relations & Tourism,
Punjab, Chandigarh.
No.RI(165)/53023/Reh(R), dated Jalandhar the 21st October 63.
Subject: Applications for allotment of land to unsatisfied claimants.
A copy of the PRESS NOTE is sent herewith. This may please be released for publication as a “News Item” in all prominent newspapers of Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu and English for 2/3 times, as may be possible.
Deputy Secretary to Govt. Punjab
Rehabilitation Deptt. Jalandhar.
dated Jalandhar the 21st October 63.
A copy with two copies of the Press Note is forwarded to :
1.All Deputy Commissioners in the State.
2.All Tehsildars (Mahal) in the State.
3.All Tehsildars (Sales) in the State.
4.Settlement Officer (Sales) Jalandhar.
5.Addl. Settlement Officer (Sales) Jalandhar.
6.Administrative Officer-cum-Settlement Officer (Sales) Nilokheri (Karnal)
For information and as wide a publicity as possible. One copy of the Press Note should also be displayed on the Notice Board of their officers.
7.All members of the State Advisory Committee on Rehabilitation.
8.Under Secretary (Rehabilitation)Chandigarh.
9.Legal Assistant.
10.Camp Assistant.
Deputy Secretary to Govt. Punjab
Rehabilitation Deptt. Jalandhar.
Endst No.RI(165)/53128/Reh®,
dated Jalandhar the 21st October 63.
A copy with a copy of Press Note is forwarded to the Land Claims Officer, Department of Rehabilitation, Punjab, Jalandhar. All applications received from wholly or partially unsatisfied claimants before 31/12/63 should be entered in proper registers and processed in accordance with the Rules. No application received after that date, should be entertained in any case. 10 spare copies of the Press Note are also enclosed for the information of the staff of the Land Claims Organization.
Deputy Secretary to Govt. Punjab
Rehabilitation Deptt. Jalandhar.
Endst No.RI(165)/53129-30/Reh®,
dated Jalandhar the 21st October 63.
A copy with a copy of the Press Note is forwarded to :
1.PA to Financial Commissioner (Taxation) for the information of FCT.
2.PS to Revenue Minister, Punjab for the information of Revenue Minister.
Deputy Secretary to Govt. Punjab
Rehabilitation Deptt. Jalandhar.
Endst No.RI(165)/53131/Reh®,
dated Jalandhar the 21st October 63.
A copy with a copy of the Press Note is also forwarded to the Station Director, All India Radio, Jalandhar with the request that the Press Note may kindly be announced in the rural programme of the All India Radio, Jalandhar, for as many times as possible.
Deputy Secretary to Govt. Punjab
Rehabilitation Deptt. Jalandhar.
According to the recent amendment to Rule 67(A) of the Displaced Person (C&R) Rules 1955, published vide Notification No. F3(21)/L&R)63, dated 24th September 1963, of the Government of India, Ministry of Works, Housing & Rehabilitation (Department of Rehabilitation), 31st December 1963 has been fixed the last date by which a displaced person from West Pakistan, whose verified claim in respect of rural agricultural land has not so far been satisfied or has been satisfied partially, can apply for allotment of land in the Punjab. All wholly or partially unsatisfied claimants or those who have been allotted wrong Nos. for one reason or the other, are informed to apply for the allotment of land still due to them, to the Land Claims Officer, Department of Rehabilitation, Punjab, Jalandhar, before the 31st December, 1963. Applications received thereafter shall not be entertained. Claimants who do not apply before the said date, shall have no right to claim compensation for their unsatisfied claims in any other form, as well.
Department of Rehabilitation