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SN District Total land available      (Acres) Without encro- achment Leased out Under litigation Total encroa- ched land Under const- ruction
1 Amritsar 3789 18 57 0 142 633
2 Gurdaspur 143 44 8 5 58 16
3 Jalandhar 1436 32 9 742 1395 1167
4 Hoshiarpur 722 134 51 0 489 0
5 Kapurthala 1363 5 0 0 1168 0
6 Nawanshahar 80 34 22 4 18 4
7 Ropar 31 0 0 0 31 0
8 Fatehgarh Sahib 436 220 64 19 27 0
9 Ludhiana 655 425 1 475 628 428
10 Patiala 1500 98 0 26 217 25
11 Mansa 166 15 5 0 3 1
12 Bhatinda 426 29 78 0 87 1
13 Faridkot 542 182 173 67 360 290
14 Mukatsar 266 45 10 4 3 0
14 Sangrur 211 24 9 49 187 4
16 Moga 273 26 11 63 182 16
17 Ferozepur 257 197 7 22 30 12
  Total 12294 1528 505 1475 5025 2598

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management

Sh. Anurag Verma, IAS

Additional Chief Secretary, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management


What's New

Regarding the simplification of the language used during the registration of property (Model Sale Deed Format)
Regarding Appointment of Tehsildar candidates in Registrar B2 dated 12-09-2023
Regarding Fee Remit (PIDB, SIC etc.)
Rechecking Result of Departmental Examination of N-Tehsildar
Hon'ble CM Punjab launched e-services i.e. Grievance Redressal ,E-stamping and Digital Execution of Documents, Home Delivery of copy of Jamabandi (Fard), Online recording of Khasra Girdawari (e-Girdawari), Linkage of phone and email with Jamabandi
The Punjab Abadi Deh (Record of Rights) Rules, 2021
Meeting regarding Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) - stands postponed
The Registration (Punjab Amendment) Act. 2020
The Punjab Land Revenue (Amendment) Act. 2020
Resumption of Registration Work, dated 06-05-2020
Regarding Additional Stamp Duty
Notification dated 30-01-2019_regarding amendment in Schedule I-A of Central Act 2 of 1899 : The Indian Stamp (Punjab Amendment) Ordinance, 2019
Online Registration (NGDRS) is implemented in all Sub Registrar Offices of 22 Districts of State of Punjab