1.All the Commissioners of Divisions in the State
2.All the Deputy Commissioners in the State
Memo No.7/7/95-ERII/4731
Chandigarh,dated the 25/8/1995
Sub: Revision of norms for the grant of relief to the person affected by Natural Calamities.
In partial modification of instructions issued vide this department Memo No.13/22/90-ERII/5824dated the 12th September 1990 and subsequent communications issued vide this department Memo No.13/22/90-ERII/8047 dated the 28/11/90, Memo No.13/22/90-ERII/2404-2419 dated the 18/1/91, Memo No.5/38/91-ERII/1350 dated the 17/2/1992, Memo No.7/4/90-ERII/3604 dated the 26th July 1993 Memo No.7/4/90-ERII/4857 dated the 13/8/93, Memo No.7/4/90-ERII/4902 dated the 18/8/93 Memo No.7/4/90-ERII/6674 Chandigarh,dated the 17/9/9 And also in the pursuance of Government of India ‘s DO No. 1-5/95-NDM dated 5th June 1995, sanction is accorded of new items of expenditure and revision of norms for the grant of relief for the loss by Natural Calamities at the following rates :
I Agriculture input subsidy (For agricultural crops, horticultural crops and plantation crops)
(i)Where crop is totally damaged Rs. 500/- per acre.
in early stage but area can be re-sown in
the same season, farmers may be
allowed relief for seeds, fertilizers etc.
(ii)Where crop is totally damaged in earlyRs. 750/- per acre
stage but area cannot be re-sown relief
may be allowed.
(ii)Relief on account of damage of mature
standing / harvested crops at the following
rates may be allowed :
(a) Where the loss to standing/ harvested Rs.1500/-per acre
crops exceeds 75%
(b) Where the loss to standing/ harvested Rs.750/-per acre
crops exceeds 50% but does not
exceed 75%
(c) Where the loss to standing/ harvested Rs.500/-per acre
crops exceeds 25% but does not
exceed 50%
(d) Where the loss does not exceed 25% Nil
The relief may also be extended to all the farmers without any condition or small and marginal farmers. However, in case of damage to fruit gardens, the relief is to be granted for the damage caused by hailstorms and floods only to the fruit bearing trees from the state of flowering to plucking of fruits. Relief will also be admissible only for the damage caused within specific dates which will be intimate by the Horticulture Department.
II. Assistance for repair/restoration of damaged houses :
(a) For fully damaged pucca house Rs. 6000
(b) For partially damaged pucca house Rs. 3000
(c) For fully damaged kutcha house Rs. 3000
(d) For partially damaged kutcha house Rs. 1500
(e) For fully damaged hut Rs. 1000
(f) For partially damaged hut Rs. 500
But the relief will not be admissible to the unauthorised construction on Government land.
III. Provision for temporary accommodation, food, clothing, medical care etc. of people affected/evacuated:
Used tarpaulin black cover per family will be provided for the construction of temporary shelter on non returnable basis when it is not possible to provide tents.
(a)Subsistence allowance or Rs. 10 per head per day in cash or in kind as may be considered suitable
(b)15 metre of cloth per family of 5 members or more
(c)Two blankets per family
Regarding (b) and (c) Deputy Commissioner concerned with the approval of the Commissioner may decide as to in which affected are cloth and blankets as per norm should be given
The above assistance will be limited to persons who are staying in camps / temporary shelters. Deputy Commissioner concerned may grant appropriate assistance subject to the maximum indicated above depending on the circumstances in each situation.
IV Air dropping of food and medicine :
The deputy Commissioner may provide relief @ Rs. 10 per head as subsistence allowance to people of marooned villages by air dropping of food items.
V Restoration to pre calamity level of damaged public works viz roads, buildings, irrigation and flood control work, drinking water supply works, drainage works, school buildings, public health centres, hospital building, electricity installation etc.:
The proposal of concerned department will be considered by the State Level Committee keeping in view the availability of funds.
VI Cost of clearance of debris:
Full cost of expenditure will be reimbursed by government on the recommendation of concerned Deputy Copmmissioner.
VII Cost of search and rescue measures :
Full cost of expenditure will be reimbursed by government on the recommendation of concerned Deputy Copmmissioner.
VIII Disposal of dead bodies/carcasses :
Full cost of expenditure will be reimbursed by government on the recommendation of concerned Deputy Commissioner.
IX Post disaster public education :
No norms proposed for the time being. But expenditure on this account may be incurred at the district or state level with the prior approval of Financial Commissioner Revenue.
X Improvement to the flood control amenities as a preparatory measures :
Adequate funds will be released by the government to the Deputy Commissioner on receipt of concrete proposals for floods preparatory measures before the onset of monsoon season.
XI Animal Husbandry :
(a)For replacement of bullocks, milch animals, draught animals, sheep, goats and pigs :
(i)Rs.2000 per buffalo/bullock/crossbred cow
(ii)Rs.800 per desi cow
(iii)Rs.400 per goat/sheep and pig
As per existing norms relief is being given to every farmer whether big or small. Relief for loss of cattle is to be restricted to a maximum of two large animals per family. Ceiling for goat, sheep and pig will be four animals per family.
(b)For provision of fodder, veterinary care and fodder concentrate:
To meet the immediate needs of fodder for the evacuated families, fodder grant of Rs. 10 per large animal per day and Rs. 5 per small animal per day may be allowed subject to a maximum of 8 heads or cattle per family if the Deputy Commissioner concerned considers it necessary to do so. The minimum number of days for which assistance may be given, should be decided by the Deputy Commissioner. The fodder grant may be paid in cash rather then in kind.
XII Provision of medicines, disinfectants, insecticides for prevention of outbreak of epidemics:
In case of fire, full cost of providing medical relief to the victims would be met by the Government Relief on account of the losses due to fire :
20% of the total loss subject to a maximum of Rs. 10000 in any individual case in respect of properties/crop which were not insured without any condition relating to income of the affected person.
XIII Gratuitous relief:
(a) Exgratia payment of families of Rs.50000 per adult or minor
deceased persons
(b) Exgratia payment for loss of a Rs.25000 per victim
limb or both eyes
(c) Relief for the old and infirm No fresh norms proposed
and destitute, children for the time being
(d) Clothing and utensils for Norms given as against
families whose houses have item No.II and III
been washed away
2. The above norms shall be applicable in respect of the damaged caused on or after 4/8/1995.
3. The other terms and conditions for grant of relief to affected persons will remain the same as laid down in the previous instructions issued by Government from time to time.
Under Secretary to Govt Punjab
Revenue (H) Department