1.All the Commissioners of Divisions in the State
2.All the Deputy Commissioners in the State
Memo No.7/4/90-ERII/3604
Chandigarh,dated the 26th July 1993
Sub: Revision of norms for the grant of relief to the persons affected by Natural Calamities.
In partial modification of the instructions vide this department memo No. 13/22/90 -ERII/8047 dated 28/11/1990 relief on account of damage to mature standing crops by heavy rains, floods, hailstorms will by admissible at the following rates :
(a) Where the loss to standing/ harvested Rs.1000/-per acre
crops exceeds 75%
(b) Where the loss to standing/ harvested Rs.600/-per acre
crops exceeds 50% but does not
exceed 75%
(c) Where the loss to standing/ harvested Rs.300/-per acre
crops exceeds 25% but does not
exceed 50%
(d) Where the loss does not exceed 25% Nil
2. The above norms shall be applicable in respect of the damage caused on or after 1/3/1993.
3. The other terms and conditions will remain the same as laid down in the previous instructions issued by Government from time to time.
Addl Secretary to Govt Punjab
Revenue (M) Department