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Punjab Occupancy Tenants (Vesting of Proprietary Rights) Rules 1956

1The Punjab Occupancy Tenants (Vesting of Proprietary Rights)
Rules, 1956

1.  Short title. – (1) – These rules may be called “The Punjab Occupancy Tenants (Vesting of Proprietary Rights) Rules, 1956.”

(2) They shall come into force at once.

2.  Form of application. – (1) An application under section 4(1) of the Punjab Occupancy Tenants (Vesting of Proprietary Rights) Act, 1952, shall be made, in Form A.

(2) The Collector may also require the applicant to make or deliver to him on a date to be specified, a statement containing the name of every other person possessing any interest in the land or any part thereof as mortgageee of the land or of the right of occupancy the nature and extent of such interest and the rents and profits, if any, received or receivable on this account.

3.  Procedure. – The procedure of Revenue Officers in matters under the Punjab Occupancy Tenants (Vesting of Proprietary Rights) Act, 1952 for which a procedure is not prescribed thereby, shall be regulated  as far as may be by the procedure prescribed for Revenue Officers by the provisions of the Punjab Tenancy Act, 1887, and the rules thereunder.

[Rule 2 of the Punjab Occupancy Tenants (Vesting of Proprietary Rights) Rules, 1956 and Section 4(1) of the Punjab Occupancy Tenants (Vesting of Proprietary Rights) Act, 1952]


             The Collector ……………………..

             ……………………………. District



             As required by Section 4 of the Punjab Occupancy Tenants (Vesting of Proprietary Rights) Act, 1952,  I furnish below the particulars of the land held by occupancy tenant(s) under me for determination and award of the amount of compensation payable to me by the occupancy tenant(s):-


Serial No. Village, Tehsil, District in which land is situated Khewat No. Khatauni No. Name of Patti or Taraf with name of Lambardar and Revenue Name with description and address of landlords Name with descript-ion and address of occupancy tenant(s)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7


The section of the Punjab Tenancy Act under which the rights of occupancy held Field Nos.
Area in ordinary acres
Total Land Revenue
Rent payable
Share in batai
Total of (d) and (e)
Names of co-sharers(Landlords) in the holding and their shares


I solemnly affirm that the particulats given by me in the above application form are correct.

Dated the ………………… 19    .                               


Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management