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Chapter 5 of Punjab Land Records Manual.

Replace standing order No.25 original issue, date 7th dune, 1909 and reprint dated 30th May,1912. In connection with this Chapter paragraphs 409-437 and 834 of the Land Administration Manual should be consulted.

5.1  All cases of transfer of territory from one district to another, or from one tahsil to another, are to be submitted to Government through the Financial Commissioner (Revenue) for the sanction of the Government and for the publication of the revised limits of the district under section 5 of the land Revenue Act (Act XVII of 1887).

5.2  (Deleted).

5.3  Changes in territorial jurisdiction to be reported - Whenever any alteration in the boundaries of the State, Districts or Tahsils takes place for administrative convenience, the fact should be reported by Collectors through Commissioners to the Financial Commissioner Revenue with full details, the report being accompanied by a map of the area transferred.

5.4  Contents of report and map - The report should state the reasons for the change and the approximate area in hectare transferred and the number of occupied houses and the population, male and female, contained at the time of the last preceding decennial census, in each village comprised in it; and the prescribed map should be drawn tracing paper on a scale (ordinarily) of 1 centimeter to 1.250 kilometers unless for special reasons a larger scale should be necessary. The names should be entered on the map in Punjabi and a table of references should in all cases be added sufficient to render the map intelligible in itself.

5.5  Report to be Survey or General - The Financial Commissioner Revenue will report to the Surveyor General to enable him to arrange for the correction of the survey maps. Changes in the boundaries of territorial units of less importance than those noted above, such as police stations or blocks, need not be reported and in all cases a copy of the map and report should be furnished to the Director of Land Records to enable him to correct the skelet-on maps and villages lists. The director will keep the reports in a file arranged by district so that the statistics of houses and population transferred may be readily available at the time of the next decennial census.

5.6  Deleted.

5.7  International Boundary Pillars to be inspected half yearly - At the commencement of each harvest inspection, the Deputy Commissioners, Ferozepur, Amritsar and Gurdaspur shall inform their counterparts in Pakistan and carry out joint inspection of the International Boundary Pillars and submit a return in this respect to the Director of Land Records, Commissioner of the Division and the Financial Commissioner, Revenue, Punjab, on the 10th April and the 10th November each year.

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management