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CRF Committee Meetings (Minutes)


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Proceedings of the 21st Meeting of the State Level Committee to administer Calamity Relief Fund held on      29-4-1999 under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary, Punjab.

The following were present:

1. Smt. Shyama Mann, Financial Commissioner (Revenue)

2. Sh. Rajan Kashyap, Principal Secretary Finance.

3. Sh. Rajesh Chhabra, Principal Secretary Health.

4. Sh. Bikaramjit Singh, Principal Secretary, Irrigation

5. Sh.K.R. Lakhanpal, Secretary Animal Husbandry.

6. Sh.Mohinder Singh, Secretary P.W.D.(B&R) .

7. Sh. R.T. Jindal, Special Secretary .Agriculture.

8. Smt. Agya Rajinder Singh, Secretary Revenue and Member Secretary.

1. Item No. 21 .1

Proceedings of the 19th meeting held on 21-8-1998 were confirmed.

2. Item N o. 21 . 2

It was decided that relief should be given as per existing policy where water logging conditions obtain on a large scale. Cases of individual or stray pockets will not be entertained. Relief would further be restricted to areas identified by the Department of Irrigation as water logged.

3. Item No.21.3

The proposal of the Irrigation Department for release of 87.00 lacs for construction of Banga-Gopalpur Drain was considered and the detailed position regard1ng the damage to crops on account of its non-construction considered in the light of the facts provided by Deputy Commissioner, Nawanshehar. The Committee noted that in the given situation it may be more economical to make this small investment in the infrastructure to avoid much larger releases in the form of payment of ‘Kharaba’ every year. The guidelines to administer the Calamity Relief Fund are silent on meeting situations like these which are, indeed, unusual. After weighing the various possibilities, the Committee came to the view that it would be a lesser burden on Calamity Relief Fund

to invest money on the said drain on a  one-time basis to avoid larger expenditure on gratuitous relief to individual farmers every year which also would have to be paid out of the same fund.  Principal Secretary, Irrigation informed the Committee that on availability of  Rs. 87.00 lacs for acquisition of the land, .Department would complete the work on the drain and make it operational during the current year. He further indicated that no more funds would be needed out of Calamity Relief Fund to complete the Drain. Committee approved the release of Rs. 87.00 lacs for acquisition of land to be channelised through the District Administration.

4.Item No. 21.4

It was decided that a suit for actionable claim against the State Bank of India should be filed at the earliest in consultation with the Advocate General and  if necessary, services of a senior private counsel may be engaged. At the same time criminal proceeding s against State Bank of India for not exercising due care and caution in investing Government money and for breach of trust may also be considered. The Committee noted with concern the casualness on the part of CBI in dealing with the matter as reflected in their letter dated 17-3-1999. P.S.F. was requested to again take up the matter with them.

5. Item No. 21.5

Initiating the discussion, P. S. Irrigation informed situation was so critical and emergent that it brooked no delay and work had to be commenced at once. He said that in

such cases prior approval of the Committee may not always be possible. He further explained that some of the Administrative Secretaries who were members of this committee had visited the area and the gravity  of problem was not lost upon them. The members observed that no doubt work of dewatering was hercules in nature and accurate assessment could not be made immediately but it was not appropriate to incur such heavy over runs without bringing the matter to the Committee £or such a long time. Therefore, the Committee approved the release of Rs. 137 lakh to the Irrigation Department subject to the condition that the responsibility for ensuring reasonableness 0£ expenditure shall rest on the Secretary/Department concerned as is done in normal budgetary provisions. The P.S. (Irrigation) shall satisfy himself that the expenditure was reasonable and a s per rules and norms of the Government/Department and shall also be responsible for its detailed audit. The Committee may be informed of the action taken in this regard in the next meeting. The Committee further decided that where expenditure is incurred in emergent situation beyond the sanctioned/released amount the matter should be brought before the Committee by the concerned' Secretary within three months of the release. Further, if the work is extend ed beyond that period, Department should get the necessary provisions made in the regular budget.

6. Item No. 21.6

Item was withdrawn on suggestion of P.S.Irrigation.

7. Item No.21.7 .

Item was withdrawn.

8. Item No.21.8

Committee approved purchase of computer. P.S.(F) indicated that training would be arranged by F.D. for the officials likely to be deputed to work on the computer.

9.Item No. 21.9 and 21.10

Committee noted the information given in the agenda. P.S. (F) informed that F. D. has drawn up a list of  Banks which have made good investment in the State. It was decided that services of these banks be availed of for investment of 30% funds to be kept in interest earning deposits and certificates of deposits with Public Sector Banks as per Government of India guidelines.


Proceedings of the 22nd meeting of the State Level Committee to administer Calamity Relief Fund held on          11-5-1999 under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary, Punjab.

The following were present -

1. Sh.R.N.Gupta, Financial Commissioner Development.

2. Smt. Shyama Mann Financial Commissioner Revenue.

3. Sh.Rajarl Kashyap, Principal Secretary Finance.

4. Sh.Rajesh Chhabra, Principal Secretary Health.

5. Sh.Bi.kramjit Singh, Principal Secretary Irrigation.

6. Sh.K.R.Lakhanpal Financial Commissioner, Animal Husbandry.

7. Sh. Mohinder Singh, Secretary, PWD (B&R)

8. Smt Tejinder Kaur, Secretary, Public Health (Special Invitee)

9. Smt. Agya Rajinder Singh, Secretary Revenue and Member Secretary

Item circulated by the Department was withdrawn by the  Principal Secretary; Irrigation.

2. Public Health Department circulated a note  for assistance out of Calamity Relief Fund for drinking water supply schemes . Secretary, Public Health was advised to bring a specific proposal only in relation to those schemes where restoration of damaged works to pre-flood level was involved.


Proceedings of the 23rd Meeting of the State Level Committee to administer Calamity Relief Fund held on      26-5-1999 under the Chairmanship of Chief  Secretary, Punjab.

The following were present:-

1. Smt. Shyama Mann, Financial Commissioner Revenue.

2. Shri Y.S.Ratra, Financial Commissioner Development

3. S. Mohinder Singh, Secretary, P.W.D.(B&R)

4. Smt Tejinder Kaur, Secretary Irrigation & Public Health.

5. Shri Vijay Kain, Secretary Expenditure,Finance Deptt.

6. Smt. Agya Rajinder Singh, Secretary Revenue &  Member Secretary.

7 to 12 . Deputy Commissioners, Ropar, Ferozepur, Ludhiana, Nawanshahar, Jalandhar & A.D.C.,Kapurthala ( Special Invitees)
Item No. 23.1

The detailed agenda circulated by the Public Health Department was discussed. The Secretary Public Health explained that though rains were  extensive, unusual heavy damage was caused in this belt due to its peculiar topography. So extensive was the damage that in places completely new works to restore drinking water supply to precalamity level. As the major portion of the works has already been executed with assistance out of the Chief Minister's Flood Relief Fund, the Committee  decided to release the remaining amount of Rs.40.00 lacs out  of Calamity Relief Fund for re-commissioning of  water works and restoration of drinking water supply to pre-1997 level by September, 1999.
Item No. 23. 2

Note circulated by  the Irrigation Department was considered by the Committee. It was explained by the department that the damage was heavy, and adequate budgetary releases were not available for restoration of flood control and drainage infrastructure damaged on account of untimely heavy rains during September-October 1998. However, keeping in view the financial stringency, the committee felt that only limited assistance could be given out of Calamity Relief Fund. It was decided to release an amount of Rs. 10.00 crores only as against the projected immediate requirement of Rs. 30.00 crores for restoration and rehabilitation of vital flood control infrastructure to pre-flood levels on critical sites only. Before the amount is released, the department shall send a list of such prioritized sites restricting the expenditure to Rs. 10.00 crores and subject to certifying that :

(i) The sites identified are the most emergent and with the execution of proposed quantum of work, there is a reasonable assurance of meeting any emergency arising during the rainy season; and

(ii) The work on these sites shall be completed by 30/6/1999 and no financial liability shall be created beyond Rs. 10.00 crores.



The meeting was held under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary; following officers were present:-

1.          Smt. Shyama Mann, Financial Commissioner, Revenue.

2.          Sh. Bikramjit Singh, Principal Secretary, Irrigation and Power.

3.         Sh. V.N.Ojha, Financial Commissioner, Animal Husbandry.

4.         Sh. K.R.Lakhanpal, Principal Secretary, Finance.

5.         Sh. Mohinder Singh, Secretary, P.W.D. (B & R)

6.         Smt. Agya Rajinder Singh, Secretary, Revenue and Member Secretary.

7.         Sh. R.T.Jindal, Special Secretary, Agriculture.

8.         Sh. G.S.Preet, Director,Health Services, Punjab.

9.         Sh. H.S.Mattewal, Advocate General,Punjab.

10.       S.Paramjeet Singh Rai, Director, Prosecution & Litigation Punjab.

(9 & 10 Special Invitees)

Discussion was held on the items circulated in the Agenda and following decisions were taken:-

Item No. 24.1

Minutes of the 23rd Meeting of the State Level Committee were confirmed.
Item No.24.2

The Committee decided that an amount not exceeding Rs.2.50 crores may be released to the Deputy Commissioners for emergent flood protection works and for providing immediate medical assistance including medicines in the flood affected  areas. Further that D.Cs. may be authorised to disburse compensation for loss of human lives caused due to floods out of this provision in case amount was not immediately available in receipts from Prime Minister's Relief Fund. They shall be strictly responsible to ensure that relief was utilised as per rules and guidelines issued by the Govt. from time to time.
Item No. 24.3

Principal Secretary, Finance who had moved this proposal as Secretary, Animal Husbandry earlier, reiterated, the; necessity of providing the amount of Rs. 85 lacs for medicines and for regents/ chemicals for vaccines for the treatment of animals affected by diseases caused by floods and at the same time to protect them against the possible out break of flood related diseases. He explained that the Deptt. has no funds in the regular budget to procure these medicines and vaccines and even the bills for supplies of Rs 1.5 crores procured last year have to be met out of current year's budget since the treasuries did not clear bills.Committee approved the proposal with a suggestion that Secretary, Animal Husbandry shall ensure that the money was spent as per Rules and guidelines issued by the Govt. This expenditure shall be met out of the amount released to D.Cs. as per item No.24.2 above.

Regarding demand of the Health Deptt., the Director, Health & Family Welfare who was present in the meeting, was advised to meet the requirements out of regular Budget provisions.
Item No. 24.4

Committee members expressed dis-satisfaction over the casualness arid indifference with which the case had been handled by the office of Director,Prosecution and particularly District Attorney, Chandigarh who was asked to file the suit against State Bank of India about 6 months back. A suggestion by the Director,  Prosecution that decision of case pending in the Bombay High Court may be awaited before filing the suit was not appreciated/agreed to. It was decided that office of the Director,Prosecution would procure the details of the suit pending in the Bombay High Court as regards the parties to the suit and the interim order passed by the Court etc. As advised by Advocate General, it was decided to engage services of a private civil lawyer to file suit in the civil court against State Bank of India.


Proceedings of the 25th Meeting of the State Level Committee to administer Calamity Relief  Fund held on 30.3.2000 under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary, Punjab.

The following were present:-

1.         Smt. Shyama Mann, Financial Commissioner Revenue;

2.         Shri Y.S.Ratra, financial Commissioner Development;

3.         Shri P .K. Verma, Principal Secretary Irrigation & Health and family Welfare;

4.         Shri Mohinder Singh, Secretary, P. W .D.(B&R);

5.         Mrs. Agya Rajinder Singh, Secretary Revenue and Member Secretary  Special Invitees.

6.         Mrs. Gurbinder Chahal, Financial Commissioner forests;

7.         Shri S.C.Sibal, Additional Advocate General, Punjab.

8.         Shri Paramjit Singh Rai, Director Prosecution and Litigation.

Committee took the following decisions:-
Item No.25.1

Minutes of the 24th Meeting of the State Level Committee held on 27.7.1999 as circulated to the members, were confirmed.
Item No.25.2

The Committee noted the fact that the State Bank of India has, since the last meeting, credited an amount of Rs.86.97 lacs to the Calamity Relief Fund after the decision of the Bombay High Court in Company Petition No.378 of 1993; however, this amount includes interest up to 13.7.1993 only. The Committee noted with regret that a copy of the judgement had still not been procured. Director Prosecution was advised to immediately obtain a copy of the judgement and examine how to claim additional relief from the State Bank of India for the period for which the money of the State government

remained locked up because of the negligence of the State Bank of India.

2.         As regards the second security of  Rs.1 Crore deposited by the reserve Bank of India with the  Porthonotary and Senior Master in pursuance of interim orders of the Bombay High Court dated 20.8.1993, Shri Sibal informed that even this amount could be drawn by the State Government, if it filed an application before the Bombay High Court. He was of the view that there is no need for filing a fresh suit against the State Bank of India for this purpose. The Committee desired that the matter should be examined in greater detail 'by the Advocate General, Punjab and it should be certified that with this course of action the claim of the State Government against the State Bank of India for claiming any additional relief in the form of interest etc. shall not be prejudiced in any manner.
Item No.25.3

The Committee agreed to release an amount of Rs.15,000/- representing 50% of the loss due to death of 38 small animals in relaxation of the ceiling on the number of animals killed. However, amount shall be released by the Deputy Commissioner, Faridkot  after once again satisfying himself about the extent of loss.
Item No.25.4

Item was deferred.

Item No.25.5

It was decided that three Boats one each from District of Amritsar, Jalandhar and Ferozepur will be made available for use by the Flying Squads of the Forest and Wild Life Department for prevention and control of fishing in Harike wet land sanctuary from October to March every year. Forest Department shall be responsible to arrange for Expenditure of POL and repair / maintenance of the Boats during this period and the boats will be returned to the Revenue Department after the month of March in proper condition. Budget provision for this expenditure will be got made by the forest Department, Since no boat Operators  have been employed by the Revenue Department, Forest and, Wild Life Department would engage Operators on temporary basis as per their requirement.

Item No. 25.6

The Department of Irrigation preserved a requirement of funds for irrigation and drainage works amounting to nearly Rs. 270 crores. It was clarified to the department that the Calamity Relief Fund was not intended to be a substitute for budgetary provision. Money can be provided only for works of preventive and corrective nature which can be completed prior to the onset of the rainy season so that large scale damage and need for providing relief on individual basis can be avoided. It was recognised that if this was not done, the amount of relief to be provided would far exceed the amount required for taking

preventive measures. It was decided that on the analogy of the previous decision, timely release of an amount of Rs.14 crores be made to the Department out of the Calamity Relief Fund in order to ensure that the protective works of emergent nature are carried out and completed prior to the onset of the rainy season 2000-2001.

It was further decided that no expenditure would be incurred out of  Rs. 14 crores till the Irrigation Department had prepared the district-wise lists of immediate and urgent flood  protection works. For this purpose, Secretary Irrigation shall convene a meeting of the Deputy Commissioners of the flood prone districts.

Before the amount is released to the districts, the Department shall send a list of such prioritised sites restricting the expenditure to Rs.14 crores and subject to certifying that :

(i)         The sites identified arc the most emergent and with the execution of proposed quantum of work, there is a reasonable assurance of meeting any emergency arising during the rainy season; and

(ii)        The work on these sites shall be completed by 30.6.2000 and no financial liability shall be created beyond Rs.14 crores.

Financial Commissioner Development pointed out that the Irrigation Department had not furnished the  details of utilization of amounts released to them in May/June 1999- 2000 out of the Rural Development Fund. On behalf of the Revenue Department, it was stated that the utilization certificate received is not detailed enough to show/identify the works carried out. It was decided that Irrigation Department would furnish a Utilization Certificate district wise and works wise and send it through secretary Irrigation and power. It was recognized that it may not have been possible to fund each work out of a single source. Therefore where Calamity Relief Fund/Rural Development Fund have been utilized, while submitting the utilization certificate, district-wise list of each project should clearly mention the amount funded out of  Calamity Relief Fund, Rural Development Fund, NABARD, World Bank etc. Secretary Irrigation was further requested to ensure that this information was made available prior to making any fresh release to the districts.




1.         Smt. Shyama Mann IAS, Financial Commissioner Revenue

2.         Sh. C.L,Bains, IAS, Financial Commissioner Development,

3.         Sh, Rajesh Chhabra, JAS, Principal Secretary, Irrigation & Power.

4.         Sh. P.K. Verma, IAS, Principal Secretary,Health & Family Welfare

5.         Sh. V.N.Ojha, lAS, Financial Commissioner, Animal Husbandry Dairy Dev. And Fisheries.

6.         Sh. K.R.Lakhanpal, IAS, Principal Secretary, Finance.

7.         Sh Satish Chandra, IAS, Special Secretary, Revenue

8.         Sh.C.S.Talwar, PCS, Joint Secretary, PWD(B&R), Special Invitees

9.         Sh. S.C.Sibal, Additional Advocate General, Punjab.

10.       Sh. Paramjit Singh Rai, Director, Prosecution and Litigation Punjab


Minutes of the 25th Meeting of the State Level Committee held on 30/3/2000 as circulated to all the members were confirmed.


The Committee granted approval for release of Rs. 2.42 crores to the Deputy Commissioners on 19/7/2000,21/7/200.0 and 9/8/2000.


The Committee granted Ex-post facto approval for incurring expenditure of  Rs. 1, 72,412/- for the purchase of three computers and one printer.


The Committee after a detailed discussion decided to adopt the existing norms for other crops for the Cotton Crop damaged on account of pest attack i.e.

(i)         Where crop is totally damaged in early state but area can be sown in the same season, farmers may be allowed relief for seeds, fertilizers etc, @ Rs, 700/- per acre.

(ii)        Where crop is totally damaged in early stage but area cannot be re-sown, relief may be allowed @ Rs. 1000 per acre.

(iii)       Relief on account of damaged of mature standing/harvested crop at the following rates may be allowed:

(a)        Where the loss exceeds 75%                                        Rs. 2000 per acre

(b)        Where loss exceeds 50% but docs not                          Rs. 1000 per acre

exceeds 75%

(c)        Where the loss exceeds 25% but does                          Rs. 700 per acre

not exceed 50%




The Mehmoodpur Drain has been completed up to RD 33,800 and the remaining  portion from RD 33,800 to RD 51,000 is yet to be completed, The committee granted approval for release of Rs, 19.88 lakh for completing he remaining portion.




The following decisions were taken :-


(a)        The record of Company Petition No, 346 of 1993 - Investment of Its, 1,00 crores. The Punjab Government will move an application before the Bombay High Court hearing the 346/ 1993 with the request that a sum of Its, 1,00 crore lying deposited in the shape of FDs be returned to it, Director, Prosecution and Litigation  would prepare an application, Advocate General, Punjab would suggest the name of the practicing lawyer to be engaged for this purpose, It was, however, agreed that the Govt, will not become a party in the Company Petition.


(b)        In the above said case, interest on Rs. 1.00 crore from 28/3/91 i.e. the date of investment to the date of maturity i.e. 14/7/93 will be claimed from the SBI through a legal notice.


(c)        Regarding the investment of Rs. 75,43,000 which was the subject matter of Company Petition No.378 of 1993, it was decided that the Department would serve legal notice to the SBI for depositing the interest for the remaining period (14/7/93 to dale). 'I'he principal amount along with interest for the part period ( from 28/3/9 I to 14/7/93) amounting to Rs. 86, 97,079/- was returned to the Punjab Government in February, 2000. The rate of interest be claimed from the Bank for the entire period will be charged @ Rs. 10.2% i.e. the rate at which the  money was initially invested in Govt, security.


A sum of  Rs. 14.00 crores was released on 31/3/2000 and a sum of Rs. 10.00 crores on 7/6/1999. The Irrigation Department has furnished Utilization Certificate for the entire amount of Rs. 10.00 crores and for Rs. 13.51 crores leaving the balance of Rs. 48.19 lacs. The Committee asked the Irrigation Department to  devise a uniform and  standard proforma for furnishing Utilization Certificates indicating clearly the source of funds i.e. Calamity Relief Fund , Regular Budget of the Department/I{DF/NABARD. Tile certificates in relation to utilization or I{s. 14 crore released on 31/3/2000 and Rs. 10 crore released on 7/6/2000 should contain the necessary details of funding  in relation to each work.


The Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India's revised guidelines provide for relief to small / marginal farmers for

a)                  Desiliting of flooded fields

b)                  Restoration and repair of fishponds

c)                  Input subsidy for fish seed farm

d)         Loss of land due to change of river course


It was decided that norms for these items will be fixed as and when the demand is received from the districts.


ITEM NO. 26.9          TRANSFER OF UNSPENT BALANCE  AS ON 31/3/2000.

As per the scheme of Natural Calamity Relief Fund the unspent balance as on 31/3/2000 is to be returned to the State Government. The Calamity Relief Fund had purchased bonds from PSEB for Rs. 4.50 crores. It was decided that these bonds may be transferred in the name of State Government-Finance Department.
Any other item with the permission of the Chairman


It was noted that list of flood protection works has still not been prioritized/finalized by the Irrigation/Drainage Department in consultation with the Deputy Commissioners. CS desired that Secretary, Irrigation & Power to have an immediate meeting for the purpose with the DCs. It was noted that in an earlier meeting some of the DCs e.g. Mansa, Sangrur, Ropar etc. had nut shall invited and the maximum damage had been reported from these districts.

(Satish Chandra)

Member Secretary and Special Secretary

Department of Revenue.



Proceedings of the 27th meeting of the State Level Committee to administer Calamity Relief Fund held on 14/2/2001 under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary, Punjab.


1.         Smt. Shyama Mann. IAS Financial Commissioner, Revenue                  Member

2.         Sh. C.L.Bains, IAS Financial Commissioner, Development.                   Member

3.         Sh Rajesh Chhabra IAS Principal Secretary, Irrigation & Power            Member

4.         Sh. K.R.Lakhanpal. IAS Principal Secretary, Finance.                          Member

5.         Sh. Mohinder Singh, IAS Secretary, PWD {B&R).                               Member

6.         Sh. Anurag Aggarwal, IAS Special Secretary, Health &

Family Welfare.

7.         Sh. Ashok Kumar Goel,IAS, Special Secretary,

Animal Husbandry , Dairy Development and Fisheries

8.         Sh, B.R.Banga, IAS, Special Secretary, Irrigation.

9.         Dr. G.S.Preet Director, Health Services, Punjab.

10.       Sh Sukhminder Singh Chief Engineer {Canals), Punjab

11.       Sh. Satish Chandra, IAS, Special Secretary, Revenue.                          Member Secretary


Minutes of the 26th meeting of the State Level Committee held on 8/12/2000 as circulated to all the members were confirmed.


26.5     Release of funds for completion of Mehmoodpur Drain in Tehsil Balachaur District Nawanshehar- The Chief Secretary desired that  we should get report from the Deputy Commissioner about status of the work. The work should be started immediately and completed before the coming monsoon season. Principal Secretary Irrigation would monitor the work.

                            (Action – PSIP)

26.6          Investment by calamity relief fund with the SBI :


(a)        It was decided that the petition in the Mumbai High Court be moved within a week,

(b)        The committee was or the view that we should not serve a separate notice for a part period 28/3/91 to 14/7 /93 since it would result in bifurcation of claim of the State Government.

(c)        It was decided that a legal notice be served on the State Bank of India within a week for recovery of interest on Rs- 75.43 lac from 1993 to date.

(Action - FCR)

26.7     Utilization certificate for the funds released to Irrigation Department during the year 1999-2000 : It was decided that the Finance Department would prepare a proforma for utilization certificate. The proforma would then be sent to Irrigation Department. Finance Department and Irrigation Department would thereafter finalize it withil1 a week positively, The Irrigation Department would furnish revised utilization certificates in respect of Rs.14.6 crore in the revised proforma of utilization certificate within 4 weeks thereafter i.e. by 20/3/2000 positively.

(Action PSF/PSIP)

The Principal Secretary Irrigation suggested that AG Punjab should be requested to conduct  an audit of the amount released during the last year. After a great deal of discussion, it was decided by the committee that this was the il1ternal matter of the department and the department can take decision on its own.

It was felt by the committee that whereas Deputy Commissioners are associated at the time of prioritization of flood protection work but they have no institutionalised role in execution of the work and utilization of funds. Some of the Deputy Commissioners take initiative and inspect the works. But there is no established procedure for this. It was decided by the committee that Department of Irrigation should issue guidelines to the Deputy Commissioners that they should inspect each and every work 1 to 2 times during the execution and record their observations about the quality of work and utilization of funds.

(Action – PSIP)

26.8     Fixing of norms for relief for other items : Position was noted.

26.9     Transfer of unspent balance as on 31/3/2000 : The Principal Secretary, Finance stated that transfer of bonds in favour of Finance Department would entail a lot of paper work. He suggested that the CRF could retain the bonds of Rs. 4.50 crore purchased from PSEB in October 1998 till the date of maturity  i.e 15/9/2005 and thereafter return the amount to the Finance Department. The  Committee accepted this suggestion of Principal Secretary, Finance.

(Action - SSR)
TEM NO. 27.3           CRF SCHEME 2000-05

The Principal Secretary, Finance explained the salient points of new CRF Scheme for 2000-05. The Government of India would release second installment only if the AG Punjab furnished a certificate that the previous scheme had been closed and unspent amount returned to the Final1ce Department. The case for crediting a sum of Rs. 64 crore is pending with the AG Punjab. He requested that the Revenue Department and Finance Department should make co-ordinated efforts to get this matter sorted out with AG Punjab so that the amount of Rs. 64 crore is credited to the State Government and AG furnishes requisite certificate.

(Action – SSR/JSF (M)

The case for reconstitution of committee for CRF has been sent to CM for approval. It was decided that these cases be got approved as earlier as possible.

(Action - SSR)

He also suggested that the central share of the State Government should be kept outside tile public accounts of the State in the manner prescribed in the scheme. The amount can be utilised as and when required by the Revenue Department for relief to the affected people in the event of natural calamity. I f the money is kept in the state account then it may .not be immediately available for relief The committee agreed with the Principal Secretary , Finance.

(Action – PSF)


The Secretary, Irrigation stated that the Deputy Commissioners have not been able to  convene the meetings of District Level Flood Protection Committees, However , they finalized the works in consultation of tile SDMs and Executive Engineers of the Irrigation Department. The requirement from  the district is much more than the expected availability of funds. Every year 14-15 crore rupees are released from the CRF for undertaking flood protection  works. The Department of Irrigation therefore divided this amount among the districts and the Deputy Commissioners and field ot1icers of the Irrigation Depal1ment were asked to furnish the list of works within stipulated amount.

The Committee took a serious view of the fact that the Deputy Commissioners did not convene the meeting of District Level Flood Protection Committee and the works were not finalized as per the government guidelines, The MLAs are members of these committees and they would be busy with Majitha Bye-election till 19111 February and therefore Deputy Commissioners would not be able to convene these meetings immediately. The committee was of the view that it would not be proper to delay the release of funds because these works have to be executed before the monsoon season. Delay would compromise timely and proper execution of the works. The committee, therefore, decided that :

(a)        50% of the amount demanded i.e. Rs, 7.46 crore against the demand of Rs. 14,93 crore be released immediately, The Depal1ment of Irrigation would select the works which should be undel1aken immediately. The list of these works should be supplied to the Revenue Department.

(Action – FCR / PSIP / PSF)

(b)        The Deputy Commissioner be requested demi officially by the Financial Commissioner Revenue to convene the meetings of District Level Flood Protection Committees and submit a list of balance works. The list would be submitted to the Irrigation Department. The Irrigation Department will thereafter send the list to the Revenue Department for release of the balance amount of 50% of Rs. 14.93 crore from the CRF.

(Action – FCR / PSIP)


The Financial Commissioner Revenue explained that large number of cases for grant of relief were pending with the Revenue Department. The amount was not sanctioned because in most of the cases the formalities were not completed. She also referred to an assembly question No. 1845 from Sh. Rakesh Pandey MLA and S. Dhanwant Singh MLA about the year wise loss caused to the crops in the years 1998-99 and 1999-2000 due to heavy rains and hailstorms and whether the State Government had granted any compensation. This question was listed in the  budget session of 2000 i.e. March 2000. The reply of the Revenue department was that during the year 1998-99 there were heavy rains in October 1998 and the paddy lying in the grain markets was damaged. It was not possible to assess the damage and therefore the Government of India was requested to relax the specifications  in regard to procurement of Paddy, The Government of 1ndia relaxed the specifications which benefited farmers @ Rs. 20 to 30 per quintal. As regards 1999-2000 the reply of the Department was that there were demands from 3 districts for grant of relief due to crop loss on account of rains  and hailstorms. Demand was found to be vague and incomplete and therefore relief was not granted. The committee felt that  release of funds would not be in keeping with the information conveyed to the legislature.


Moreover, the committee felt that old cases of the period 1995-2000 should not be considered for grant of relief at this stage because the previous scheme came to an end on 31/3/2000 and w.e.f.  1/4/2000 new CRF Scheme 2000-05 has become operative and the outstanding balance in the old CRF stood deposited in the consolidated fund of the State.

After discussion the committee decided :

(a)        That for the period 1995-2000 only the cases relating to loss of life are to be considered for grant of relief. The amount for this purpose is received from the Prime Minister Relief Fund.

(Action- SSR)

(b)        All other cases of the period 1995-2000 i.e. cases relating to damage to crops, damage to houses, loss of animals etc. should be considered as closed,


(Action – SSR)

(c)        Decision regarding all types of cases for grant of relief for the period from 11412000 was deferred. The department could consider and process these cases and bring them up before the committee separately.


Meeting ended with thanks to the chair.


(Satish  Chandra)

Member Secretary & Special Secretary

Department of Revenue


माननीय राजस्व मंत्री

माननीय राजस्व मंत्री, राजस्व,पुनर्वास एवं आपदा प्रबंधन विभाग

श्री हरदीप सिंह मुंडीया 

अतिरिक्त सचिव, राजस्व विभाग,

पुनर्वास और आपदा प्रबंधन

श्री अनुराग वर्मा, आई.ए.एस


क्या खबर है

पंजाब राज्य के 22 जिलों के सभी उप पंजीयक कार्यालयों में ऑनलाइन पंजीकरण (एनजीडीआरएस) लागू है
17 नवंबर, 2017 को मोगा और आदमपुर में पायलट प्रोजेक्ट के रूप में ऑनलाइन पंजीकरण (एनजीडीआरएस) का शुभारंभ
पांच जिलों पटियाला, एसएएस नगर, लुधियाना, अमृतसर और जालंधर में इलेक्ट्रॉनिक कुल स्टेशन का उपयोग करके सीमांकन का पायलट लॉन्च